Monday, August 8, 2011

free at last!

Before Mom left for work this morning, some strangers showed up outside with their noisy trucks. Mom put me in my crate after I went outside to look at them. I know it's my job to look after the house when my parents are gone and I couldn't do a very good job of that from inside my crate. So, what's a dog to do?

Bust Loose!

Escape Artist - just another title to add to my resume.

love hurts

On Friday night, I got to hang out with my friends Abby and Molly the Collie. Molly is new in the neighborhood. Her and Abby are actually neighbors, which makes it kind of awkward that they are both in love with me. I just have to tell the ladies to be patient - there's plenty of Wegman to go around.

Abby's mom, Frida, brought out some bones for all us pups. Molly had her bone and I went sniffing at it and she went all Kujo on me.

Needless to say, I was avoiding Molly after that and Abby was right by my side in the aftermath. That Abby is not only devoted, but persistent.

Friday, August 5, 2011

on the paper trail

For the past few days Dad has been having strangers come to the house to fix things. He doesn't let me investigate them like I like to do. When they leave, there is always a yellow peice of paper on the kitchen counter. While Mom and Dad are gone, I take that paper off the counter and sniff it and then rip it up just a little bit - just so Mom and Dad know I don't like it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Agility Ability

I finished my agility class last night. You can watch the video here.

There was a lot for me to sniff on that obstacle course, I tell you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Agility Schmagility

I started taking Agility classes a few weeks ago, though I'd personally like to think that I've been training for this all my life. I've learned to get on a table and to do jumps. I also did some tunnel practice. There are other young pups like me in the class so it's very easy to get distracted. We just want to wrestle.

Mom made me some tuna brownies and they are my favorite most stinky treat! They help keep me focused.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Heights

Mom and Dad babysat for Kyle and Emma on Saturday. I was a very good boy and I followed them around to make sure they were behaving too. I was very upset when they left me - so upset that I jumped the gate into the living room so that I could express my displeasure. Mom came in and I got to go with them. Thank goodness!

The next day while Mom and Dad were gone, I jumped over the gate again and ate some of Mom's library books. They weren't very tasty. I was in big trouble when my parents came home! Now I do not have living room privileges any more. :( No more jumping on the couch when Mom and Dad aren't looking... no more plush carpet to lay on...